
Trump says he may cut China tariffs to secure TikTok deal

Al Jazeera

United States President Donald Trump says he would be willing to reduce tariff rates on China to secure a deal with TikToks Chinese parent company ByteDance to sell the social media app used by 170 m ...[Continue Reading]

Al Jazeera English

4 days ago

Recent News (General)


Inside the DPP: To prosecute or not to prosecute, that is the question

Mary Carolan

There are few State bodies that wield as much power but are not required to explain their far-reaching decisions openly to the public or the peoples representatives in parliament. With great power co ...[Continue Reading]

The Irish Times

1 day ago


Proba-3 mission advances with autonomous orbital alignment


Proba-3 mission advances with autonomous orbital alignmentby Erica MarchandParis, France (SPX) Mar 30, 2025 Two ESA satellites have achieved a major milestone in their bid to fly in perfect unison, ...[Continue Reading]

Space Daily

1 day ago


Surge in self-declared bankruptcies worrying, says Insolvency DG

The Star Online

PUTRAJAYA: The rising trend of people declaring themselves bankrupt is a concern as it shows many are struggling with severe financial difficulties, says the Insolvency Department director-general Da ...[Continue Reading]

The Star Online

1 day ago


Massive quake is latest blow to Thai tourism hit by safety woes


The deadly Myanmar earthquake is set to hurt foreign tourist arrivals to Thailand in the coming weeks, the latest blow to an industry already reeling from dwindling Chinese visitors worried about tra ...[Continue Reading]

Bangkok Post

1 day ago


At least half of US states now outlaw devices that convert pistols into machine guns


In New Mexico, police and prosecutors backed an effort to outlaw devices that convert pistols into machine guns. In Alabama, the governor made it a priority. Lawmakers in both states one led by Demo ...[Continue Reading]

Yahoo Entertainment

1 day ago